The project “Green Transition of Cement and Concrete Production in Denmark – 2014-2019” has created internationally remarkable results and now where the project is close to an end, the project partners are inviting to a closing conference of the project. The main results from the project will be summarised, presented and discussed.
In addition to presentation of the main project results, the conference is bringing in several international speakers giving their view on the challenges the international cement and concrete industry is facing. The combination of project related presentations and international key notes will hopefully contribute to good discussions and views on the project in a global perspective.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the Danish Concrete Society DBF and InnoBYG.
Thomas Uhd, Director of the Danish Concrete Association
Christian Munch-Petersen, Head of Danish National Standardisation Committee for Concrete Technology S-328 and partner at Emcon a/s
Dorthe Mathiesen, Director of the Concrete Centre at the Danish Technological Institute.
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome
By Jesper Sand Damtoft, Director, R&D, Aalborg Portland, Cementir Holding S.p.A.
09.40 KEY NOTE
Eco-efficient cements:
Potential economically viable solutions for a low CO2 Cement Based Materials Industry
By Karen Scrivener, Professor and Head of Laboratory of Construction Materials, Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, EPFL
10.10 KEY NOTE
Performance based specifications for concrete – an approach to design climate friendly concrete structures?
By Christoph Müller, Managing Director and Head of Concrete Technology, Verein Deutche Zementwerke, VDZ
10.40 Coffee break
Presentation of the Green Concrete II project and introduction to the new cement types developed.
By Jesper Sand Damtoft, Director, R&D, Quality and Technical Sales Support Cementir Holding S.p.A.
What have we learned from the Green Concrete demonstration bridges? - and what will be the Owners future requirements to climate friendly concrete structures?
By Erik Stoklund Larsen, Director, Danish Road Directorate
12.00 KEY NOTE
Behovet for innovative klimaløsninger i Danmark
af Lars Christian Lilleholt, Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaminister
Field exposure of "green concrete" in Denmark and presentation of the four demonstration projects – 3 bridges and 1 in-door structure
By Lars Nyholm Thrane, Team Manager at the Danish Technological Institute
12.40 Lunch
Performance based design of green concrete constructions. A new design approach relevant for new binder systems
By Claus Nielsen, Product Manager at the Danish Technological Institute
How does green concrete account in the certification scheme for sustaninable buildings DGNB?
By Andreas Qvist Secher, Rambøll Denmark A/S, Team Manager, Senior Sustainability Consultant
Production and execution of green concrete – experiences from the Green Concrete project.
By Jørgen Schou, Product Manager, Unicon A/S
Long term durability of concrete structures designed with new binder systems and new types of cement
By Alexander Michel, Assistant Professor at The Technical University of Denmark, DTU Byg
14.55 Coffee break, network and green concrete exhibition
15.30 KEY NOTE
Research & innovation as a path to a sustainable future
By Peter Høngaard, President of the Innovation Fund Denmark
15.50 KEY NOTE
International roadmaps for reduction of CO2 from cement and concrete
By Claude Lorea, Cement Director, Global Cement and Concrete Association
16.20 Discussion in plenum and summing up the conference
Moderated by Christian Munch-Petersen, Emcon a/s
René Fich Jespersen, Commercial Director, Aalborg Portland
Henrik Olesen, Head of Department, MT Højgaard
Gert Didriksen von der Ahé, Director of Technology, DRD
Asger Knudsen, Country Market Director, Rambøll
17.00 Closing remarks
By Jesper Sand Damtoft, Director, R&D, Aalborg Portland, Cementir Holding S.p.A.
17.05 Reception
See presentations from the event
Practical information
Participation costs: 650 DKK. After the conference we will send you an invoice for your participation.
Date of event: 28th of February 2019 from 9.00-17.00, registration and coffee from 9.00-9.30.
Place: Danish Technological Institute, Gregersensvej 1, DK-2630 Taastrup, Entrance 1, The Conference Hall
Maximum attendees: 150 persons
If you decline participation later than 25th of February, you will have to pay the conference fee. You can send a substitute if you wish.
For further information, please contact InnoBYG - or +45 7220 2989
PLEASE NOTE that if you sign up later than 27th of Febuary at 9 AM, your name will not be printed on the participants list.
Important information regarding personal data on participant lists.
Your name, title and company will appear on the attendance list for this event. The participant list is available to the organizer and the other participants on the event itself, in the form of a physical participant list and online attendance list. In addition, at some events, name tags are provided, where your name, title and company appear. If you unsubscribe from the event before 25th of February 2018, your information will not appear in the attendance list.