Spireprojekt 2019

Årlig arkiv for 2020

Milestone 1 Complete

  • 27. april 2020

Precision Partner has completed our first work package: Mold Design Automation. Using balcony elements  as a case study, we have developed an automated mold configurator based on a parametric model. The configurator is able to generate a 3D model of the element, a 3D model of the mold needed to cast that element, and a set of 2D construction drawings and cutting list for the mold builders. As well as providing immediate construction information, …

Dual-Resolution Automated Robotic Scanning

  • 24. april 2020

We have just returned from running an invited workshop at the University of Technology, Sydney, exploring workflows for automated robotic scanning of unknown panel geometries.  This provided an opportunity to test a custom workflow and robotic end effector fitted with two sensors: a RealSense D435 depth camera, and an Artec Eva handheld scanner. Our workflow establishes a two stage scanning process. A first scan is taken with the RealSense camera…

Precision Partner holder Industry Open Day

  • 30. januar 2020

PrecisionPartner invites you to our first Industry Open Day 10am Tuesday February 6th at BBFiberbeton, Hjørnegårdsvej 10, 4623 Ll Skensved. The project partners CITA, BBFiberbeton and TickCad will showcase the project’s  latest developments in automation tools and scanning workflows. Program: - 10:00: Intro and welcome to BBF - 10:15: Presentation of the Precision Partner project              Project goals and structure              Project …

Milestone 2 Complete

Precision Partner has completed our second work package: Scan Automatisation and Feedback. We have developed an intuitive User Interface that runs on a Microsoft Surface Tablet. The UI takes the user through 3 stages of automatically comparing the 3d scan of the element: Scan Alignment, Feedback, and Manual dimension measurement. During our scanning day at BBFiberbeton, we stress tested the tool on 3 different molds: a balcony element, a panel f…

Hololens Feedback

At Precision Partner, we have started exploring the third work package “Augmented Reality Feedback”. At CITA we have just received a Microsoft Hololens 2 and we have straight away put it to test. The Hololens allows to visualize digital information overlaid in reality. In our scenario, it will allow to visualize tolerance feedback information at different stages of the mold making process, and not just as a final quality control. We will start t…

Project completed

  • 31. december 2020

The Precision Partner project is now completed.  The project asks to reconcile skilled craft-based industries such as GRC manufacturing with higher precision digital-chain workflows.  It has been undertaken as a collaboration between BB Fiberbeton, TickCAD and CITA (the Centre for IT and Architecture) at the Royal Danish Academy, and was carried out in the period June 2019 to October 2020.  Our project has explored how Build 4.0 technologies can…