
  • 30. januar 2020

Precision Partner holder Industry Open Day

PrecisionPartner invites you to our first Industry Open Day 10am Tuesday February 6th at BBFiberbeton, Hjørnegårdsvej 10, 4623 Ll Skensved. The project partners CITA, BBFiberbeton and TickCad will showcase the project’s  latest developments in automation tools and scanning workflows.


- 10:00: Intro and welcome to BBF

- 10:15: Presentation of the Precision Partner project

             Project goals and structure

             Project stages and research to date

             Results at this point

-10:45: Questions and sparring

-11:15: Presentation and live demonstration of scanners and reports

-12:00: Finish 

We look forward to seeing you!

Sign up by sending an email to, with name, company and email information of the person(s) you are signing up.