Subsea Tunnels II

- projektbeskrivelse

  • 7. januar 2019


The construction of the world’s longest subsea road tunnels, Ryfast Fixed Link and Rogfast Fixed Link in Norway and the world longest immersed subsea road and railway tunnel Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link in Denmark has started. This makes the region an epicenter of innovation, development and knowledge on subsea tunnels.

This has led to a close cooperation between the two clusters InnoBYG (DK), Norwegian Tunnel Safety Cluster (NO) and the SME network Innovation Network Fehmarn Belt (DK).  Based on an Innovation Express (IE) project since beginning of 2018 with the same title and its findings, we now propose to expand the project to include another Scandinavian country (Sweden) as the number of tunnels built in both Scandinavia and around the world calls for increased attention to safety (both in infrastructure and for the population using the tunnels).

The involved SME's in the IE project have expressed interest in working in depth with smart technologies such as VR/AR in both product testing and in rescue scenarios as a means of developing their competitiveness further. Furthermore, the knowledge obtained from working with these technologies will also be a facilitator for increased cross border cooperation and innovation in the long run and potentially foster larger R&D projects.

We wish to make a Nordic test bed for the entire value chain - from the design phase to the operation phase with rescue scenarios on a digital model. This will save money for testing costs for both products and in particular for rescue training, as closing down of tunnel tubes costs a lot of money for the society and decreases mobility and creates serious bottlenecks while it is going on. We want to boost innovation and competitiveness through the use of smart and intelligent technologies.

We will thus utilize this stage to involve a third partner and to engage the companies of the IE project in thematic areas through workshops that will enable them to engage in a larger project in stage 2. Additionally, we would eventually use this knowledge as an export commodity to other countries with the same critical infrastructure and hence promote the findings of the project to a larger audience.